
Boise Children can enjoy the benefits of learning a second language

Studies have shown the benefits children gain in learning a foreign language. Some of the benefits include higher scores on standardized tests, greater cognitive development, increased confidence in target language use, and positive attitudes toward other languages and cultures. Adults benefit as well. Many experts predict that being bilingual will not only be a strategic advantage in the workplace, but that within 20 years, it will be crucial for success in many industries.

Being bilingual may boost your brain power

This NPR Article talks about the amazing benefits to our cognitive ability. Studies relating to children and adults alike. PODCAST also available

Brain research: Implications for Second Language Learning

The Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) has many great articles. This is a PDF discussing second language learning benefits.

How Treasure Valley adults benefit from learning Spanish

Learning second language 'slows brain ageing'

This BBC Article details a recent study about bilingual people and dementia compared to monolinguals.

Learning new language helps reduce brain decay

Learning a foreign language can help protect the brain against the ravages of ageing, study suggests

What is TPR Storytelling?

TPR Storytelling is a language learning technique that Puentes Language Programs utilizes with children and adults alike. Here is more info on TPRS

Your child can see benefits from learning a second language

Cognitive Benefits of Learning Language

ACTFL answers questions: Should foreign language instruction start earlier in the U.S.? Are immersion programs equally effective for younger and older students? and more... Great article!

Benefits of Early Language Learning

Discover a stockpile of information on the many ways in which learning a foreign language early can benefit a child's development.

Learning a second language at an early age...

List of benefits to children of language learning by the American Council on the Teaching of Foriegn Languages (AFCTL).


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